Our Story
35 years of producing signs makes us proud of our "paint and brush" heritage....
but you can't stand still when technology gives you the chance to be more creative than ever before.
Our traditional skills give us the ability to do gold leaf sign writing by hand, lines and scrolls to vehicles and trucks, even airbrushed murals
or restore treasured sign pieces that were once common place. These are time honoured skills that we still pass on.
Today new technology allows us to bring so much more into the world of signs.
Vehicle wraps, wall graphics, LED illuminated signage and laser cut lettering add endless possibilities when designing new signs.
Materials continue to evolve and are constantly being updated, making getting the right advice crucial to the success of your new sign.
Our knowledge and experience gained, over the past 35 years, is happily shared with our clients to ensure your sign project goes smoothly
and that you have the best possible outcome and experience.
We have a collection of skills and products that now makes us "The Sign Collective".